Dominic Drenen, based in Melbourne, Australia, served as CEO of Click Energy Group, an Angeleno Group portfolio company, from 2013 – 2019. During his tenure he grew Click’s business from 37,000 to 205,000 customers. Click achieved these results through a unique channel marketing strategy utilizing digital tools to deliver low-cost acquisitions and best-in-class cost-to-serve. Mr. Drenen successfully managed Angeleno’s exit from Click in 2017 when the company was acquired by amaysim (ASX: AYS).
Mr. Drenen has over 25 years’ experience in the Australian energy industry. Prior to Click he spent 17 years at Origin, one of Australia’s top three energy providers, where he worked in areas across all fuels (electricity, natural gas and LPG) and non-fuels (solar, hot water, heating and cooling). His final role at Origin was Head of Solar and Home Products, a division turning over A$250M. Earlier, he was part of the electricity team at Boral Energy (later demerged to form Origin Energy) just at the beginning of deregulation. He began his career with the then Global Hydro Electric Commission in Tasmania in the marketing and pricing area. Mr. Drenen is a graduate of Melbourne University.
Mr. Drenen has been working with Angeleno Group since 2013.